22 July, 2006

Old Books

Recently, I visited a bookstore in Frankfort, Kentucky with one of my best friends. It's called Poor Richard's Books, in the old part of downtown Frankfort. Upstairs they have lots of used books. We sat up there for hours poring through ancient books. I loved the look of all of them sitting on the shelves - it was so...comfortable.
The books that I bought there were mainly ones that people had written in so many years ago - my friend found a book over 150 years old, and it had lots of beautiful cursive writing in it. I spent seven dollars on 4 books - they're all old and pretty, with names scrawled in the front and notes made in the margins. It makes you wonder about the people who wrote in them...but today they just don't make books like that! These were leather or cloth-bound, whereas today's are paper and the occasional plastic; you have to wonder how long they'll keep. But still, we can have fun looking at other people's...
Speaking of books, check out my brother's blog - which is all about books.
His url is offshelf.blogspot.com.
Have a fabulous day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you enjoyed your visit to Poor Richard's. I am a former resident of Frankfort and there are many interesting businesses along the same street. It is a great way to spend an afternoon.