25 July, 2006

open the books!

In my last post, I had the pictures of the old bookstore. So I thought that on this one I might post pictures of some of the writing inside the books, which is what interested me the most about them.
You can barely see it in most of the pictures, because it's faded so much over the years - one of the books dates back to the 1800s.

Captions (Left to Right)

First Row:
1.) From "Palaces and Courts of the Expostition" Copyright March 1915
"To my dear friend Annie Nourne,
from Fannie H Goddard
August 13th, 1915
Sacramento, California"

2.) Later in the same book (title page):
"Arrived in San F. Monday Aug. 16th, 1915.
Stopt at Y.M.C.A. Hotel"

3.) On another page of the same book: Written August the 26th, 1915. Notes on different breeds of dogs. (odd because this has nothing to do with the rest of the book...)

4.) My cat, Butterfinger, was very interested in my photography of the books...it was strange that he posed with this particular book because the inside cover is the exact same green as his eyes, which you cannot see in the black and white picture...

Big Picture in Bottom Left:
The title page of a book of short mysteries, copyright 1909. The book apparently belonged to a certain "E.G. Moody." Notice that Butterfinger (or at least his nose) also appears in this one - he seems to be very interested in this particular book...

Middle Right:
From a small, leather book called "Backbiting Reproved."
Glapton, Mo. 1st Presby-
terian Sabbath School Library
No. 7
I, personally am Presbyterian and bought this book for that very reason. The ink in which this was written looks like it might have gotten wet at some point...

Bottom Right Corner:
1.)The back of the book above:
Glasston Sunday School, No. 7, 1881
They were, I think, not in agreement as to the location of this church...

2.) Inside the back cover of the book of mysteries, we find Mr. Moody's address at the time: #109 E. 14th Street, Austin, Texas.

Hope you enjoyed these as much as me!

22 July, 2006

Old Books

Recently, I visited a bookstore in Frankfort, Kentucky with one of my best friends. It's called Poor Richard's Books, in the old part of downtown Frankfort. Upstairs they have lots of used books. We sat up there for hours poring through ancient books. I loved the look of all of them sitting on the shelves - it was so...comfortable.
The books that I bought there were mainly ones that people had written in so many years ago - my friend found a book over 150 years old, and it had lots of beautiful cursive writing in it. I spent seven dollars on 4 books - they're all old and pretty, with names scrawled in the front and notes made in the margins. It makes you wonder about the people who wrote in them...but today they just don't make books like that! These were leather or cloth-bound, whereas today's are paper and the occasional plastic; you have to wonder how long they'll keep. But still, we can have fun looking at other people's...
Speaking of books, check out my brother's blog - which is all about books.
His url is offshelf.blogspot.com.
Have a fabulous day!

not too much

Not that long ago, I noticed that I hadn't written in so long - the monotony of summer has been getting to me! There is plenty to do - but life is melancholy, with no initiative in sight!
These are just a few pictures of some things around here... I took these a while ago, but I'm just getting around to posting them, I guess.
Taking black and white pictures is my favorite, and I just put all these together on one page! You can see them all at once...

First Row:
1.) Old Barn
2.) Riley
3.) tulip
4.) Raven

Second Row:
1.) Riley
2.) Goat!
3.) goat in field
4.) another goat

Third Row:
1.) Goat in Tractor Tire
2.) Sunset and barn
3.) Yodel
4.) Feild, tree, house

I'll try to be more prompt with my next post.
Have a great summer!