22 July, 2006

not too much

Not that long ago, I noticed that I hadn't written in so long - the monotony of summer has been getting to me! There is plenty to do - but life is melancholy, with no initiative in sight!
These are just a few pictures of some things around here... I took these a while ago, but I'm just getting around to posting them, I guess.
Taking black and white pictures is my favorite, and I just put all these together on one page! You can see them all at once...

First Row:
1.) Old Barn
2.) Riley
3.) tulip
4.) Raven

Second Row:
1.) Riley
2.) Goat!
3.) goat in field
4.) another goat

Third Row:
1.) Goat in Tractor Tire
2.) Sunset and barn
3.) Yodel
4.) Feild, tree, house

I'll try to be more prompt with my next post.
Have a great summer!

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