09 November, 2006

Scotland pictures - second of 3

The previous post was of some Scotland pictures that I really liked...here are a few more.


[Above] A castle back in the woods.

[Below] Another castle. This is my desktop background now...I love it.

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[Below] I'm not exactly sure where this is or what it used to be. It's ruins of some sort, I suppose. A picture that I'll put on the next post has the same building but with lots of really pretty flowers...


For background on these, see the previous post.


r. burns said...

Castles AND sheep AND techno?... in the same country?!? I'm there...

maggini in tweed said...

Three years and we both will be...!

Anonymous said...

Oh such pretty pictures. I wanna go to scotland too! Actually, I'd be thrilled with anything that would envlove leaving the country, you see I needed some cash and the bank was just sitting there.... ;)

Since you comments blog dosn't allow any anonomous comments here is one from me. Here is one from choir today envolving candy bar sales.

Teacher: ...so if you've lost or stolen any candy bars you need to replace them.

Me to friend: what kind of theif replaces stolen goods?


maggini in tweed said...

only a theif like Rachel...;)


About the comments: I'm probably going to allow anonymous ones because most people don't have blogger...and we love comments.
thanks for coming!