30 September, 2006

more pointless stupidity

You've got to hold at least a little admiration for idiots.
Football games are a fabulous place to hear them in their prime.
Girl: So are you a sophomore?
Guy: [about 14] Naw, I'm out of school.
Girl: You're probably just in like special ed or something.
Guy: [looks around] WHO's in special ed?!
At Barnes & Noble [Yes, there are some idiots in bookstores, too.]
Kid 1: Mommy, are you and Daddy still fighting?
Kid 2: Yeah, do you still hate eachother?
Mom: Yeah...[in direction of "Daddy"]...because he's a DIRTBAG!!!
Okay, that one was just kind of depressing. As is this one:
At our school's Constitution Day:
5th Grader: [to Betsy Ross impersonator] So how many times have you been married?
Betsy Ross: I've been married twice.
5th Grader: HA! My mommy beat you. She's been married THREE times!!!
And finally, one of my friends, of another girl at the football game:
"She has a gap in her teeth and a gap between her brain and her spinal cord."
Have a lovely day!


r. burns said...

Here's your next one:
"My name's Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Are you sure the person who spontaneously combusted didn't just tick of a witch? ...because I know I could write a spell like that."
- 'Coast to Coast'

maggini in tweed said...

Or maybe they just ticked off her cat..."lucifer."
Just a thought.