09 October, 2006

the sky is falling!

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
- [That's right] Chicken Little
The moon was full last night or the one before that, and it was really golden-orange. The problem I was having was that in order to get a long enough exposure to be able to make it out, I had to sit still for that long. I was sitting in the middle of a feild of dew-covered winter wheat, in the dark, and freezing cold. On this first one, it actually had a pretty interesting effect. Instead of a shooting star I supposed it was a shooting moon. I kind of like it, even though it's not what I was going for.

I finally did get a decent picture, but the moon was the only discernible thing in the whole picture. You couldn't see the trees or anything. I suppose I'll try again another time...

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