21 October, 2006

Mediterranean Pictures

Ah...finally I have given in. Posting these pictures with Blogger is just not going to work. I have tried every way I know - URLs, new posts, Print Shop, and countless attempts...with no avail.
But I have done the next best thing.
To get URLs for pictures to post, I use Photobucket, and they give you links you can use to get to pictures. So...here they are.
This is one of my favorite pictures I have ever taken. I took it just as we were going to tour the Colosseum.
Another very cool place...This was just a big building (I want to say a church?) but I'm not really sure about it. But right next to it was a place where a famous martyr was burned at the stake. His last words were "Flip me over - I'm done on that side." Ah...the wit.
I'm not sure what this is called, but it's in the general are of the Forum. When I got my pictures developed, I couldn't remember where it was, and I only found out when I saw it in the background of another Rome picture.
This was in the public square in Catania, Sicily.
For more on the trip, see the post two down from this one. Sometime soon, I'm going to post parts 2 and 3. Better luck then, I hope.
[Note: When I tried these links, they took awhile to load. But my internet is very slow, so that could just be it. Stick with it, though - they're really neat to see.]

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