23 September, 2006


I'm getting very tired of the news. It's always a conglomeration of the most pathetic criminals and their pathetic deeds, and a moment cannot be taken to glorify the small margin of good remaining in our world.
At our school yesterday, there was a program honoring the shipmates of the U.S.S. Garrard, a ship named after our county that was in WWII. The veterans were there and a painting and model of the ship were dedicated, there was music by the band and others (I played my violin...) and some students made speeches. All very nice...but was it on the news? Of course not. Too cheery.
This is why I've started watching Katie Couric when I do watch the news. She at least lets a little light into the news.
However, I usually just fill my news whims by watching latenight tv. What could be better? Funny AND informative.
In a good way.
UPDATE: I recently found a site that was full of good news. I thought that it was a really neat idea to have a blog that's just all good stuff in a world full of depressing things all around the news. The url is www.goodnewsblog.com . Check it out!

1 comment:

r. burns said...

... or you could rely on the ever-wonderful AM radio.